I. Purpose: The primary responsibility of the Academic Council is to review and coordinate all curriculum and educational program revisions, including additions and deletions to the course inventory, and to either approve or disapprove their adoption. Curriculum and program revisions approved by the Academic Council are recommended to the Board of Regents for adoption.

II. Membership: The membership includes all departmental chairpersons, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Technical Education, Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Dean of SPC Reese Center, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Enrollment Services, Director of Libraries, Director of Advising and Testing, Director of the Teaching and Learning Center, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who serves as chairperson for the council.

III. Meetings: The council meets once a year and at other times as needed. Requests for special meetings should be directed to the vice president for academic affairs.   

Dr. Ryan Gibbs, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chairperson

All Departmental Chairpersons

Rob Blair, Dean of Technical Education

Jacob Braddock, Director of the Reese Center, Program Coordinator EMS, Chair of Allied Health

Dr. Stan DeMerritt, Vice President for Student Affairs

Dr. Jerry Findley, Dean of Health Sciences

Ryan Fitzgerald, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education & Director of Institutional Research & Reports

Lola Hernandez, Director of Advising and Testing

Dr. Gail Malone, Director of College Literacy and Education (TLC)

Dr. Kara Martinez, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center

Tyson Meredith, Assistant Director of Institutional Research

Kathryn Perez, Dean of Enrollment Services

Dr. Nathan Ragland, Director of Libraries

Andrew Ruiz, Registrar

Alan Worley, Dean of Arts and Sciences


I. Purpose: The Administrative Council services as the primary consultative body to the President of the College and is responsible for the development and implementation of administrative policy and procedures affecting the operations of the College. The council is also responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the Institutional Plan of the College.

II. Membership: The Administrative Council is composed of the following administrative officers; the president, (who serves as chairperson), Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Business Affairs, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Dean of Students, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Technical Education, Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Executive Director of Administrative Services, Dean of Students, Dean of Enrollment Services, Dean of SPC Reese Center, Associate Dean of Information Services, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Executive Director of the Lubbock Career and Technical Center, Director of Plainview Center.

III. Meetings: The council meets at the call of the President.        

Dr. Robin Satterwhite, President, Chairperson

Dr. Ben Alexander, Executive Director of the Lubbock Career and Technical Center

Rob Blair, Dean of Technical Education

Jacob Braddock, Director of the Reese Center, Program Coordinator EMS, Chair of Allied Health

Nickolis Castillo, Executive Director of Administrative Services

Dr. Lynne Cleavinger, Dean of Students

Dr. Stan DeMerritt, Vice President for Student Affairs

Dane Dewbre, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications

Shanna Donica, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment

Dr. Jerry Findley, Dean of Health Sciences

Ryan Fitzgerald, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education & Director of Institutional Research & Reports

Julie Gerstenberger, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Dr. Ryan Gibbs, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Teresa Green, Vice President for Business Affairs

Dr. Van Howell, Associate Dean of Information Services

Victoria Huffhines, Director of the Plainview Center

Dr. Kara Martinez, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center

Kathryn Perez, Dean of Enrollment Services

Alan Worley, Dean of Arts and Science


I. Purpose: The Executive Council serves as the primary advisory council to the President of the College and functions to coordinate the instructional and administrative operations of the College. The Council is charged with reviewing and approving all administrative policies and procedures, overseeing the planning and budgeting processes, and identifying and addressing challenges facing the College. The Council serves to coordinate constituent, community, and governmental relations to the benefit of the College. There is no agenda for these meetings. Each person may discuss any item of business that needs attention.

II. Membership: The Executive Council is composed of the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Business Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of Marketing and Communications.

III. Meetings: The council meets weekly. The only exception to this is when one or more of the members cannot attend. There is no agenda for meetings. Each person may discuss any item of business that needs attention. The President shall appoint a recorder for the purpose of keeping minutes of business and decisions made.     

     Dr. Robin Satterwhite, President, Chairperson
     Dr. Stan DeMerritt, Vice President for Student Affairs
     Dane Dewbre, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications
      Julie Gerstenberger, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
     Dr. Ryan Gibbs, Vice President for Academic Affairs
     Teresa Green, Vice President for Business Affairs


I. Purpose: The Instructional Council provides a primary communication link among the instructional divisions of the College for the purpose of coordinating educational programs, curricula, and instructional policies.

II. Membership: The membership includes the Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of Technical Education, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Dean of the the Lubbock Downtown Center, Director of Libraries, Director of Instructional Technology, Vice President for Student Affairs, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, Executive Director of the Lubbock Center, Director of the Plainview Center, Director of Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Vice President for Academic Affairs who serves as chairperson.

III. Meetings: The council meets monthly during the academic year and at other times as required.


Dr. Ryan Gibbs, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chairperson

Dr. Stan DeMerritt, Vice President for Student Affairs

Dr. Ben Alexander, Executive Director of the Lubbock Career and Technical Center

Rob Blair, Dean of Technical Education

Jacob Braddock, Director of the Reese Center, Program Coordinator EMS, Chair of Allied Health

Shanna Donica, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment

Dr. Jerry Findley, Dean of Health Sciences

Ryan Fitzgerald, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research

Dr. Nathan Ragland, Director of Libraries

Victoria Huffhines, Director of the Plainview Center

Dr. Kara Martinez, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center

Amy Shriver, Director of Instructional Technology

Jay Warnick, Director of Continuing Education and Workforce Development

Alan Worley, Dean of Arts and Science


I. Purpose: The Student Affairs Council provides a primary communication link among student support services for the purpose of coordinating student services, programs, and policies.

II. Membership: The membership includes the Dean of Enrollment Services, Dean of Students, Associate Dean of Students, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Dean of the the Lubbock Downtown Center, Executive Director of the Lubbock Center, Director of the Plainview Center, Director of Advising and Testing, Director of Health and Wellness, Director of Student Life, Director of Financial Aid, Director of the Business Office, Coordinator of New Student Programs and Vice President for Student Affairs who serves as chairperson.

III. Meetings: The council meets monthly during the academic year and at other times as required.


Dr. Stan DeMerritt, Vice President for Student Affairs, Chairperson

Dr. Ben Alexander, Executive Director of the Lubbock Career and Technical Center

Lindsey Boatright, Coordinator of New Student Programs

Jacob Braddock, Director of the Reese Center

Rebecca Canon, Director of Health and Wellness

Danielle Castillo, Director of the Business Office

Dr. Lynne Cleavinger, Dean of Students

Ryan Fitzgerald, Dean of Dual Enrollment & Distance Education & Director of Institutional Research

Shane Hill, Associate Dean of Students

Lola Hernandez, Director of Advising and Testing

Victoria Huffhines, Director of the Plainview Center

Dr. Kara Martinez, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center

Josh Meredith, Director of Student Life

Susan Nazworth, Director of Financial Aid

Kathryn Perez, Dean of Enrollment Service





I. Purpose: The primary purpose of the Admissions Committee is to review admissions appeals from students who have been either academically suspended or who do not meet regular admissions standards. Upon review and/or personal interview, the committee determines acceptance or denial of the appeal based on majority vote.

II. Membership: Since the primary purpose of the Admissions Committee is to review student appeals for admission, the committee shall be composed of both faculty and administrative personnel. The faculty is represented by four (4) individuals chosen by the Dean of Enrollment Services and representative of the instructional areas of the college. Ex-officio members include: the Dean of Enrollment Services (who serves as chair and secretary for the committee), Dean of Students, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Technical Education, Dean of Health Sciences, Director of Advising and Testing.

III. Length of Membership Term: The length of term for the faculty members is three (3) years, with staggered appointments so that one (1) new member is selected each year. Members may not serve consecutive terms.

IV. Meetings: All meetings are called by the chairperson and are based on submission of admissions appeals.

** Kathryn Perez, Chairperson

** Rob Blair

** Dr. Lynne Cleavinger

Rebecca Darby (SP 24)

** Dr. Jerry Findley

Emily Gilbert (SP 26)

** Lola Hernandez

Delany Jackson (SP 26)

Zach Pauda (SP 26)

**Alan Worley



I. Purpose: The major purpose of the ADN Admissions/Academic Standards Committee is to participate in the admissions process, to determine class membership, review academic and/or clinical problems and acts on student disciplinary matters to determine re-admission to and dismissal from the ADN program.

II. Membership: There are eight (8) members on this committee. The Director of Nursing Programs is an ex-officio member. Members of this committee are selected by the Director of Nursing Programs: four (4) members are selected from the ADN faculty, the nursing department retention specialist, and the nursing department success coordinator one (1) member is selected from the Biology Department, one (1) member is selected from the Arts and Sciences Division, and one (1) member is selected from the faculty at large. One (1) SPC advisor is selected to serve on the committee and is mutually agreed upon by the Director of Advising and Testing and the Director of Nursing Programs. The committee chairperson may request that the Vice President for Student Affairs appoint a representative from student services to serve in an advisory capacity in cases involving disciplinary action.

III. Length of Membership Term: Indefinite - Reviewed annually.

IV. Officers: Chairperson - the Director of Nursing Programs serves as the chairperson.

V. Meetings: The chairperson will call meetings during the semester

** Dr. Tara Strawn, Chairperson

Sarah Gill

Natalie Guerra

Dr. Kyle Keltz

Alma Lopez

Holly Scrivner

Katheryn Townsend

Dorothy Weaver

Kaitlyn Williams



I. Purpose: The purpose of the Athletic Committee is to review and approve athletic scholarships, recruitment, and admission as proposed by the varsity coaches and athletic director.

II. Membership: There are four (4) faculty members, one (1) student representative and two (2) ex-officio members on the Athletic Committee. The athletic director appoints the faculty members. The athletic director selects the student representative. The President of the College and Athletic Director are ex-officio members.

III. Length of Membership Term: The length of term is four (4) years with one faculty member terminating service each year. The student representative serves a one (1) year term and must be selected after the fall semester begins. Members may not serve consecutive terms.

IV. Officers: Chairperson - this office is elected by the membership at the first meeting each fall; Secretary - this office is elected by the membership at the first meeting each fall.

V. Meetings: The Athletic Committee meets at the beginning of each semester. Special meetings may be called at the request of the athletic director or the committee chairperson.

** Roger Reding, Chairperson

** Dr. Robin Satterwhite

Billy Alonzo (SP 24)

Kristi Barker (SP 25)


Krisha Hoelscher (SP 26)

Josh Meredith (SP 27)

Alan Worley (SP 28)

Hilary Martinez, Student Rep (SP 24)



I. Purpose: The Building and Grounds Committee serves as an advisory body, a communications link for the Maintenance Department regarding the status of campus physical facilities and ensures that South Plains College is in compliance with the Texas Hazard Communication Act and Rules. This includes:

a. Providing a means for communicating to the maintenance department breakdowns, needs, problems, and differences regarding building/grounds maintenance, custodial status, or hazardous situations.

b. Assisting with establishment of priorities for maintenance/custodial needs and dealing with hazardous situations campus wide.

c. Assisting with establishment of maintenance and custodial standards and a system of evaluation.

II. Membership: There are thirty-eight (38) members, including one (1) student representative, on this committee, all of whom are selected by the Vice President for Business Affairs. Division leaders and workplace leaders who represent various buildings, departments and responsibilities are among the membership.

III. Length of Membership Term: The length of term is indefinite and is generally adjusted as needed to cover all facilities on campus. The student representative serves a one (1) year term and must be selected after the fall semester begins.

IV. Officers: Chairperson - the Director of the Physical Plant shall serve as chairperson.

V. Meetings: The committee meets each fall and, in the spring, to review maintenance requests. The chairperson may call special meetings when needed.

** Cary Marrow, Chairperson

Dr. Ben Alexander – Lubbock Career and Technical Center

Billy Alonzo – Communications

Kristin Bingham – Biology

Rob Blair – Technical Arts Building

Jacob Braddock – Reese Center

Kenny Burns – Law Enforcement Building

Johanna Byrne – Diesel Technology

Rebecca Canon – Student Health and Wellness

Jessie Montes, Administration Building

Dr. Stan DeMerritt – Student Services Building

Dane Dewbre – Visitors Center

Brian Gerstenberger – Grounds

Samantha Goldie – Development and Alumni Relations

Lauren Gregory – Technology Center

Gary Ham – Automotive Technology

John Heh - Science

Dr. Sheyleah Harris-Plant – Math and Engineering Building

Michael Harrison - Natatorium

Shane Hill – Student Residence Halls

Victoria Huffhines – Plainview Center

Dr. Gail Malone –Third Floor

Dr. Kara Martinez – Lubbock Downtown Center

Josh Meredith – Student Center

Stuart Moody – Creative Arts Building

Dr. Dan Nazworth – Fine Arts/Theater

Dee Dee Ninemire – Physical Education Complex

Octavio Perez – Metals Technology

Ron Presley – Agriculture/Rodeo Grounds

Buffy Rattan –English

Dr. Nathan Ragland – Library

James Stratton – Welding Technology Building/Technologies

Bill Tackett – Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies (IMET)

Sarah Thompson – Cosmetology Building

Dr. Tara Strawn – Health Occupations/Nursing

Sam Villarreal – Texan Hall, Sundown Room, Snack Bar

Residence Hall, Student Rep (SP 24)



I. Purpose: Assist the SPC President in decisions related to Campus Carry

II. Membership: Vice President for Student Affairs, Chairperson, Executive Director of Administrative Services, Dean of the the Lubbock Downtown Center, Dean of Students, Director of Health and Wellness, Chief of Police, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Director of the Plainview Center, Executive Director of the Lubbock Career and Technology Center, Director of Kinesiology, Faculty Senate President, one administrative assistant from a vice president office,  Student Government Association President, and one faculty member from each of the following areas: law enforcement, emergency medical services, government, education or reading, sciences (any area), paralegal studies, fine arts, nursing.

III. Length of Membership Term:  TBD

IV. Officers: Chairperson – Vice President for Student Affairs

V. Meetings: Annually and as called.     


Dr. Stan DeMerritt, Chairperson

Dr. Ben Alexander

Kristin Bingham

Lindsey Boatright

Jacob Braddock

Kenny Burns

Rebecca Canon

Nickolis Castillo

Dr. Lynne Cleavinger

Kim Dayton

Dr. Jerry Findley

Ryan Fitzgerald

Shane Hill

Victoria Huffhines

Kristi Kristinek

Drew Landry

Dr. Kara Martinez

Josh Meredith

Dee Anna Ninemire

Delma Salinas

Dr. Tara Strawn

Jonathan Sullivan

Dr. Erika Warnick

Student Govt. Student Rep (SP 24



I. Purpose: The Distance Education Committee serves as an advisory body to the Continuing and Distance Education and Instructional Technology departments. Its primary purpose is to consider policies, procedures, and resources for distance education at South Plains College.

II. Membership: The Distance Education Committee is composed of the Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Continuing and Distance Education Specialist, Dean of Enrollment Services or designee, Director of Instructional Technology, Instructional Designer, Dual Credit Coordinator, two (2) faculty that are involved in interactive television, two (2) faculty that are involved in web-based courses, and two (2) at large representatives to be chosen by the Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports.

III. Length of Membership Term: Faculty will serve a three (3) year term. Members may not serve consecutive terms.

IV. Officers: Co-Chairpersons - Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports and Director of Instructional Technology; Secretary- designated by the co-chairpersons

V. Meetings: The Distance Education Committee meets once during the fall and spring semesters. The co-chairpersons may call special meetings when needed.     


Ryan Fitzgerald, Co-Chairperson

Amy Shriver, Co-Chairperson

Jim Ann Batenhorst

Heather Medley

Kathryn Perez



I. Purpose: The major responsibility of the Evaluation Committee is to monitor the instructional evaluation process. Important considerations include the evaluation instrument, the timing of the evaluations, and the tabulation of results. Recommendations for modification of evaluation policies or design of the instrument are directed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. This committee's responsibility for the evaluation process is limited to the instructional evaluation of ALL South Plains College faculty by their students.

II. Membership: The Evaluation Committee is composed of departmental chairpersons, instructional deans, Faculty Senate President, Vice President for Academic Affairs. One (1) student representative serves on this committee and is selected by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

III. Length of Membership Term: The length of term is indefinite.

IV. Officers: Chairperson – Vice President for Academic Affairs serves as the chair; Secretary - the chairperson will designate the recording secretary for committee minutes.

V. Meetings: Regular committee meetings will be at the beginning of each fall and spring semester. The chairperson may call special committee meetings.

**Dr. Ryan Gibbs, Chairperson

Departmental Chairpersons

Instructional Deans

Jacob Braddock, Faculty Senate President

Student Govt. Rep. (SP 24)



I. Purpose: The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) is to advise, facilitate and monitor the program of institutional effectiveness at South Plains College. This committee is charged with the responsibility to assure the systematic integration of planning and assessment at all levels; to coordinate the collection, analysis, and distribution of data useful for planning and decision-making; to develop and monitor outcome measures of institutional effectiveness; and to facilitate and monitor compliance with SACS accreditation requirements and standards.

II. Membership: The IEC is comprised of 24 appointed members with representation from instructional divisions (12 appointed members), academic and student support services (6 appointed members) and administrative support services (6 appointed members). Members are appointed to the IEC by the President of the College as recommended by the Administrative Council. The student representative is recommended by the Student Government Association and the Director of Student Life. The Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of Technical Education, the Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, the Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center, , Executive Director of the Lubbock Center, Director of the Plainview Center, the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, and the President of the Faculty Senate are ex-officio members of the committee.

III. Length of Membership: All appointed members serve staggered four-year terms. Members may be appointed for consecutive terms.

IV. Officers: The Chairperson is appointed by the President of the College for a two-year term. The chairperson may serve consecutive terms. The vice chairperson is selected by the membership of the committee for a two-year term. The vice chairperson collaborates with the chairperson in coordinating committee projects and assignments. The Chairperson appoints the recorder.

V. Meetings: The IEC meets at least one time in the fall and one time in the spring. The chairperson may call other meetings as needed.

** Shanna Donica, Chairperson

** Dr. Ben Alexander

Kristi Barker (SP 27)

Trish Beres (SP 24)

Lindsey Boatright (SP 26)

** Rob Blair

Jacob Braddock

Camy Brunson (SP 26)

Nick Castillo (SP 25)

Dr. Lynn Cleavinger (SP 24)

Devin Collins (SP 25)

Jesse Day (SP 24)

Dane Dewbre (SP 24)

** Dr. Stan DeMerritt

** Dr. Jerry Findley

** Ryan Fitzgerald

Kayla Williams

**Julie Gerstenberger

Morgan Groves (SP 27)

** Dr. Ryan Gibbs

Dr. Gary Hudson (SP 26)

Todd Holland

** Victoria Huffhines

Margaret Kirby (SP 25)

** Dr. Kara Martinez

Andrea McCourt (SP 27)

Heather Medley (SP 25)

Josh Meredith (SP 25)

Jeremy Nicholson (SP 25)

Dr. Tara Strawn (SP 27)

Jackie Underwood (SP 27)

** Jay Warnick

Jeb Wilcox

Kaitlyn Williams

** Alan Worley

Student Govt. Commute Affairs Rep (SP 24



I. Purpose: The Library Committee studies, evaluates, and makes recommendations regarding library services, resources, and policies. This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the director of libraries.

II. Membership: The Library Committee is composed of one (1) faculty representative from each instructional department chosen by the Departmental chairperson, one student representative chosen by Director of Libraries, one representative from the Reese library, and the Director of Libraries (ex-officio).

III. Length of Membership Term: The length of term is three (3) years. With agreement from the Library Director and the committee members, terms may be extended in three-year intervals. The student representative serves a one (1) year term and must be selected in the spring for the following year.

IV. Officers: Chairperson - the chairperson is elected by the committee at the first meeting each academic year. The chairperson may serve more than one (1) term; Secretary - the secretary is selected by the chairperson.

V. Meetings: The Library Committee meets at the beginning of each semester. The chairperson may also schedule special meetings as the need arises. An agenda will be prepared, and minutes will be kept of each meeting. Copies will be distributed to committee members and the director of libraries.

** Dr. Nathan Ragland, Chairperson

Ashley Davis (SP 26)

Mackinzee Escamilla (SP 26)

Denise Glab 

Aaron Greene (SP 24)

Tylan Jones (SP 24)

Mollie Moore (SP 26)

Kristina Long, Student Rep. (SP 24)



I. Purpose: The Marketing and Communications Committee shall provide direction for the planning, implementation, and assessment of institutional goals, objectives and strategies that ensure the college of a stable marketing and communication plan. As an advisory body, it is responsible for policy development as it pertains to institutional marketing and communications activities of the college. It shall function as an information exchange network to facilitate decision-making and the effective coordination of marketing and communications activities. It shall report its findings and recommendations to the Executive Council and the President of the College.

II. Membership: The committee includes fifteen (15) ex-officio members, including the Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of Technical Education, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Dean of Enrollment Services, Associate Dean of Students, Director of Advising and Testing, Director of Financial Aid, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center, Director of the Plainview Center, Executive Director of the Lubbock Career and Technical Center, Executive Director of Administrative Services, Director of Student Life. Membership also includes four (4) faculty representatives from the Arts and Sciences Division, three (3) faculty from the Technical Education Division and three (3) faculty from the Health Occupations Division. Four (4) staff members from Marketing and Communications shall be appointed as members by the Executive Director of Marketing and Communications. Two (2) student representatives, one from the Levelland campus and one from the Lubbock Center shall be appointed by the committee chair based on recommendations from the committee membership.

III. Length of Membership Term: For ex-officio members, the length of term is indefinite. Faculty members appointed to the committee shall serve alternating two-year terms. Student members shall serve one-year terms.

IV. Officers: The Executive Director of Marketing and Communications serves as the chairperson. The recording secretary shall be appointed by the chairperson of the committee.

V. Meetings: The committee meets at least once during the fall and spring semesters. Special meetings may be called at other times by the chairperson. Additionally, the chairperson of the committee along with the respective divisional dean and faculty representatives will meet at least once a year with the departmental chairpersons of that division for the purpose of exchanging information on committee activities and decisions, soliciting input, advice, and concerns from the departmental chairpersons, and maintaining communication links with program faculty.

** Dane Dewbre, Chairperson

**Dr. Ben Alexander

** Rob Blair

**Nickolis Castillo

** Dr. Jerry Findley

** Ryan Fitzgerald

**Lola Hernandez

**Shane Hill

**Victoria Huffhines

** Dr. Kara Martinez

Adrian Mellberg

**Josh Meredith

Chris Nazario

** Susan Nazworth

** Kathryn Perez

** Alan Worley

LEV – Campus Ambassador -Student Rep

Student Reps from both Lubbock Centers (SP 24)



I. Purpose: The Professional Development Committee serves as an advisory body, for the purposes of assessing, planning, and reviewing professional development activities for the employees of South Plains College.

II. Membership: Members of the committee are Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Technical Education, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center, Dean of Enrollment Services, Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Director of Human Resources, Director of College Literacy and Education, Director of Advising and Testing, Vice President for Academic Affairs, four faculty, one representative from classified personnel, one representative from maintenance/grounds/custodial staff, one representative from professional/non-faculty.

III. Length of Membership Term: The length of term of faculty members and staff shall be two years with staggered terms for continuity on the committee. Members may not serve consecutive terms.

IV. Officers: Chairperson - the Vice President for Academic Affairs appoints the chairperson; Secretary - the chairperson will designate the secretary.

V. Meetings: The committee will meet once during each fall and spring semester. The chairperson may call special meetings when needed.


** Heather Medley, Chairperson

** Rob Blair

Kourtney Brosius

Ashley Davis

Jeri Ann Dewbre

Kara Donatelli

Brant Farrar

** Dr. Jerry Findley

** Ryan Fitzgerald

** Dr. Ryan Gibbs

Megan Gonzales

Lola Hernandez

Todd Holland

Victoria Huffhines

**Dr. Gail Malone

**Dr. Kara Martinez

Callie Nations

**Kathryn Perez

**Dr. Nathan Ragland

Brent Wheeler

**Alan Worley



I. Purpose: To review and evaluate registration processes and provide recommendations, as needed.

II. Membership: The Registration Committee is chaired by the Dean of Enrollment Services and its membership shall consist of the Dean of Technical Education, Director of the Business Office, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Director of Advising and Testing, Associate Dean of Information Services, Dean of Health Sciences, Director of Financial Aid, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Registrar, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Director of Information Services Customer Support, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center, Executive Director of the Lubbock Career and Technical Center and Director of the Plainview Center.

III. Length of Membership Term: None

IV. Officers: Dean of Enrollment Services serves as chair of the committee and the Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Enrollment Services serves as secretary.

V. Meetings: The committee will meet once during each fall and spring semester. The chairperson may call special meetings when needed.

** Kathryn Perez, Chairperson

Dr. Ben Alexander

** Rob Blair

** Danielle Castillo

Dane Dewbre

** Dr. Jerry Findley

Ryan Fitzgerald

Lola Hernandez

Dr. Van Howell

** Victoria Huffhines

** Dr. Kara Martinez

** Susan Nazworth

Kayla Perrin

** Andrew Ruiz

** Alan Worley


SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE (Substance Abuse and Safety and Health Committees were combined starting fall 2012)

I. Purpose: The purpose of the Safety and Health Committee exists to ensure reduced risk to

· To develop, monitor and promote a culture of safety, environmental health, and security consciousness throughout SPC.

· To conduct evaluations of campus facilities, equipment, and operations in accordance with this manual and other standardized material as prescribed.

· To provide written recommendations and suggestions for corrective action, related to safety and health, to the administration.

· To assist in the investigation of campus accidents as needed and to utilize findings for further policy and procedure modifications.

· To review and revise this manual annually.

II. Membership: The Safety and Health Committee is chaired by the Vice President for Student Affairs and its membership shall consist of the Vice President for Business Affairs, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of Students, Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center, Dean of Technical Education, Executive Director of Administrative Services, Associate Dean of Students, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Executive Director of the Lubbock Center, Director of Health and Wellness, Director of Campus Police, Director of Human Resources, Director of Physical Plant, Director of the Plainview Center, Director of Information Services, Disability Services Coordinator, selected members of the faculty, selected student representatives and appropriate consultants as necessary.

III. Length of Membership Term: The length of term is indefinite, with exception of students who may serve up to two years, or the duration of time enrolled at SPC.

IV. Officers: The Vice President for Student Affairs serves as Chairperson

V. Meetings: The chairperson will call meetings as needed.


                        Safety and Security (noted by §) – Dr. Stan DeMerritt, Chairperson

                                    additional college representatives include: Nickolis Castillo


                        Alcohol and Other Drugs (noted by α) – Rebecca Canon, Chairperson

                                    additional college representatives include:
                                                Kristina Garrett
                                                Representative from Managed Care
                                                Representative from South Plains Rural Health

** §Dr. San DeMerritt, Chairperson

Dr. Ben Alexander

** Rob Blair

Jacob Braddock

Kenny Burns

Rebecca Canon

Nickolis Castillo

**§Dr. Lynne Cleavinger

** Dane Dewbre

** Jeri Ann Dewbre

§ DeEtte Edens

April Edgett

** Dr. Jerry Findley

** Dr. Ryan Gibbs

** Teresa Green

Rick Herbert

Shane Hill

Dr. Van Howell

** Victoria Huffhines

** Cary Marrow

** Dr. Kara Martinez

Marc Moore

§ Olga Lozano

** Dr. Peggy Skinner

Tara Strawn

**§Jonathan Sullivan

** Dawn Valles

§ Alan Worley

Step-Up Club President Rep. (SP 24



I. Purpose: The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to serve as an objective body that reviews and ranks applicants for college-wide scholarships. The committee also serves in an advisory capacity to evaluate the scholarship selection process at the College and to recommend, as necessary, changes to the policy and procedures that govern the process. The committee also assists in establishing selection criteria for new scholarship programs, as needed.

II. Membership: The committee consists of at least eighteen (18) faculty members who are appointed to at-large positions, the Scholarship Coordinator, and the Director of Development. Faculty membership is representative of the instructional departments of the College and the location of programs. Recommendations for additional faculty membership are submitted by departmental chairpersons to the Scholarship Coordinator who selects members as required for the evaluation of scholarship applications.

III. Length of Membership: Members of the Scholarship Committee are appointed to three-year terms on a staggered basis (6-6-6). Members may not serve consecutive terms.

IV. Officers: Chairperson - the chairperson is selected by the committee on an annual basis. The chairperson may serve more than one year; Secretary - the secretary is selected by the committee membership at the first meeting each year.

V. Meetings: The committee will meet in August and March. The committee will also meet in April to finalize the selection of scholarship recipients. Special meetings may be called at other times by the chairperson.

Shalyn Slape, Chairperson

John Barnes (SP 24)

Leah Chenault (SP 24)

Rebecca Darby (SP 24)

Elaina Fitzgerald (SP 24)

Petra Gambles (SP 25)

** Julie Gerstenberger

Krisha Hoelscher (SP 24)

Shawn Horn (SP 24)

Ryan Heth (SP 25)

Miriam Hill (SP 25)

Katherine Jackson (SP 24)

Dr. Taek Hyun Jang (SP 24)

Victoria Johnson (SP 24)

Dr. Serena Mangano (SP 24)

Catherin McMahan (SP 25)

Raylene Nuffer (SP 24)

Mason Powers (SP 25)

Vanessa Reales (SP 25)

Harriett Strickland (SP 24)
Chris Adams (SP 25)
Joanna Byrne (SP 26)

Aaron Greene (SP 26)
Dr. Tori Hall (SP 26)
Dr. Julianna Harris (SP 26)
Michela Heth (SP 26)
Mark Lee (SP 26)
Sal Molinar (SP 26)
Anne Nichols (SP 26)
Natalie Osuna (SP 26)
Tom Payton (SP 25)
Miran Rivera (SP 25)
Jerry Serrano (SP 25)
Phil Smith (SP 26)
Patti Thompson (SP 25)
Katheryn Townsend (SP 26)
Dr. Chris Trobridge (SP 26)
Gary Ufford (SP 26)
Jimmie Wisian (SP 24)
Dr. Jamie Wormsbaker (SP 26)



I. Purpose: The Strategic Enrollment Management Committee coordinates the overall implementation of strategic enrollment management (SEM) retention plan for students at South Plains College. It provides leadership in identifying strategies to improve student success and coordinating current recruitment and retention initiatives and developing new initiatives. By reviewing and analyzing college and other student success-related data, the committee develops and implements programs targeted to improve recruitment and student success. It is responsible for recommending policy development as it pertains to enrollment management activities of the college. The Committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the Executive Council and the President of the College.

II. Membership: The committee includes ex-officio members including the Dean of Enrollment Services, Director of Advising and Testing, Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Health Science, Dean of Technical Education, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Director of Financial Aid, Dean of the the Lubbock Downtown Center, Director of the Plainview Center, Executive Director of the Lubbock Career and Technical Center, Executive Director of Administrative Services, Director of Student Life, Coordinator of New Student Relations, Professional Advisor, Admissions Counselor, Title V Pathways Coordinator, Associate Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs. Membership also includes at least one faculty representatives from each of the following instructional divisions: Arts and Sciences, Technical Education and Health Sciences. Student members (at least one from each campus location).

III. Length of Membership Term: For ex-officio members, the length of term is indefinite. Faculty members and staff shall serve alternating three-year terms. Student members shall serve one-year terms.

IV. Officers: Chairperson - The Dean of Enrollment Services, the Director of Advising and Testing, and theDean of Dual Enrollment/Distance Ed and Director of Institutional Research serve as the co-chairpersons.

V. Meetings: The committee meets at least twice during the fall and spring semesters. Special meetings may be called at other times by the chairperson.

**Kathryn Perez, Co-Chairperson

**Lola Hernandez, Co-Chairperson

**Ryan Fitzgerald, Co-Chairperson

**Dr. Ben Alexander

**Rob Blair

**Lindsey Boatright

Jacob Braddock

**Nick Castillo

**Dr. Stan DeMerritt

**Shanna Donica

Enrique Escamilla (SP 24)

**Dr. Jerry Findley

**Shane Hill

Krisha Hoelscher

**Victoria Huffhines

**Dr. Kara Martinez

**Josh Meredith

**Susan Nazworth

Natalie Osuna

**Lissa Sharp

Abbey Whatley (SP 25)

**Alan Worley

Student Govt. President Rep (SP 24)

(A Student member from each location) Lubbock, Levelland & Plainview



I. Purpose- The purpose of the Student Success Advisory Committee is to provide representation for each department system-wide to receive, transmit, and respond to reports of activities to support student academic success and as to how best meet and serve the current and anticipated needs of the SPC community (students, faculty, etc.). In that regard, the purpose of the committee is ongoing.

II. Membership- The twenty-two (2) members on the committee include seventeen (17) faculty, three (3) ex-officio members and three (3) student representatives. The seventeen (17) faculty members represent each of the instructional departments. The faculty members are recommended by their respective department chairpersons. The three (3) ex-officio members: the director of the libraries, the director of the teaching and learning center, and the director of academic support services, select the student representative with one from each division (Arts and Sciences, Technical and Allied Health).

III. Length of Membership Term- The faculty members on the Committee serve a three (3) year term and may be recommended to serve successive terms. The student representatives serve a one (1) year term.

IV. Officers- Chairperson - the chairperson is elected annually at the first meeting of the committee.

V. Meetings- The committee will meet prior to the fall and spring semesters. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson when needed.

Dr. Gail Malone, Chairperson

Dr. Nathan Ragland, Chairperson

Dalila Gonzales, Chairperson

John Barnes

Sean Bingham

Jacob Braddock

Mirian Faulks

Mark Frandsen

Becky Greene

Michaela Heth

Shawn Horn

Dr. Taek Jang

Mark Lee

Johnathan Martin

Natalie Osuna

Steve Sanders

Omar Solano

Emily Wheeler

Jessica Williams

Diane Wittie

Kannon (Freya) Bass, Student Rep (A&S)

Cyrick Goulden, Student Rep (A&S)

Amber Machado, Student Rep (AH)

Crystal Rendon, Student Rep (A&S)

Mayra Rico, Student Rep (Tech Ed)



I. Purpose - The Technology Committee serves as an advisory body. Its primary purpose is to establish priorities for a technology infrastructure, which will assist SPC in achieving its mission. The committee will issue recommendations to the administration and maintain the South Plains College Technology Plan.

II. Membership: The membership includes: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Business Affairs, Associate Dean of Information Services, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Technical Education, Dean of Students, Dean of Health Sciences, Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center, Dean of Dual Enrollment and Distance Education and Director of Institutional Research and Reports, Director of Instructional Technology, Director of Libraries, Chairperson of the Business Administration and CIS Department, Executive Director of the Lubbock Center, the Director of the Plainview Center, and two faculty members.

III. Length of Membership Term: The length of term is indefinite and is adjusted as personnel changes occur on campus.

IV. Officers: Chairperson - the Associate Dean of Information Services serves as the chairperson; Secretary - the chairperson will designate the secretary.

V. Meetings: The committee will meet during the fall and spring semesters. The chairperson may call special meetings when needed.


Dr. Van Howell, Chairperson

Dr. Ben Alexander

** Rob Blair

Dr. Lynne Cleavinger

** Dr. Jerry Findley

** Ryan Fitzgerald

** Dr. Ryan Gibbs

** Teresa Green

Lauren Gregory

Victoria Huffhines

Emily Pool

** Dr. Nathan Ragland

Donald Sarchet

Amy Shriver

Michael Slaughter

** Alan Worley




I. Purpose: The purpose of the Website Advisory Committee is to advise, monitor and coordinate the continued development and maintenance of the South Plains College website, including its structure, design, content, policies, and procedures. This committee is charged with the responsibility to study, review and recommend best practices in web content and design; to promote author/user collaboration and support for this important resource by coordinating web-related activities; to assist in evaluating the effectiveness and performance of the website and to recommend appropriate improvements as needed; to facilitate and monitor compliance with college policies and procedures pertaining to the website; and to assist in creating an engaging, useful and user-friendly site.

II. Membership: The Website Advisory Committee is comprised of 18 appointed members with representation from instructional, student services and administrative support areas of the college, one student representative and four ex-officio members for a total of 23 members. Members are appointed to the Website Advisory Committee by the President of the College as recommended by the Administrative Council. The student representative is recommended by the Student Government Association and the Director of Student Life. The Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Associate Dean of Information Services, Director of Instructional Technology, and the Web Content Coordinator are ex-officio members of the committee.

III. Length of Membership: All appointed members serve staggered four-year terms. Members may be appointed for consecutive terms.

IV. Officers: Chairperson: The Web Content Coordinator shall serve as committee chairperson. Vice Chairperson: The vice chairperson is selected by the membership of the committee for a two-year term. The vice chairperson collaborates with the chairperson in coordinating committee projects and assignments.

V. Recorder: The recorder is appointed by the chairperson

VI. Meetings: The Web Advisory Committee meets at least two times in the fall and two times in the spring. The chairperson may call other meetings as needed.

**Adrian Mellberg, Chairperson

Billy Alonzo

**Rob Blair

Kristin Bingham

Clinton Bishop

Lindsey Boatright

Greg Cook

**Dr. Stan DeMerritt

**Dane Dewbre

Enrique Escamilla

Mackenzie Escamilla

**Dr. Jerry Findley

Ryan Fitzgerald

Lola Hernandez

Shane Hill

**Dr. Van Howell

Victoria Huffhines

Kristy Kristinek

Deagan Lawless

Josh Meredith

Marcie Miller

Kathryn Perez

Dr. Nathan Ragland

**Amy Shriver

Jay Warnick

Alan Worley

Student Govt, Public Relations Officer